
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


In the Salisbury Plains in Southern England lies the rock formation of Stonehenge. On my first trip ever outside Canada in 1967, I had the joy of visiting this historic site. There was no fence surrounding it. People could touch it. Not now!

As you can see from the postcard I bought- no fence! A friend of mine visited England in 1980 and sent me a Stonehenge postcard.
September 25, 1980- Denise wrote " Dear Barbara and Adolph, Over here for 2 weeks-going to Stonehenge today- travelled down from Scotland yesterday and off to London tomorrow for a couple of day then home. Cheers! Denise"
Since I love history, I have books on my shelf about the mystery and the theories surrounding Stonehenge. Druids are the popular notion. So any visit to Great Britain is worth a visit to this site.
If you want a postcard featured here, email me at abdm@rogers.com and I will send you my address so you can send me a postcard.


  1. ... always wanted to visit stonehedge and other major standing stone sites in the UK ...

  2. You can still walk amongst the stones at the solstice celebrations. I wouldn't recommend the summer solstice particularly - it seems to be like a music festical without the music, but winter solstice morning is great if you wrap up warm and walk from Amesbury

  3. Thanks for the information. Maybe I will have the opportunity to visit Stonehenge again.
