
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Adolph and I went to our bank's grand opening last night. They had moved the branch to a bigger location. Ate some munchies, listened to some speeches and congratulated the team on the event. We try to attend as many social events- large and small- well to help fill the room. Too often it is easy to say, no time to go or the event is not that important. It is important to the person hosting the event. I have given parties where the excuses for not attending are always interesting. Even the girls' weddings had some last minute cancellations or people who just forgot to respond to the wedding invitation. We went to a funeral home visitation of an elderly person recently. For the family, it meant so much to be able to say how many people attended in honour of the loved one. For me, there is an honour to be on someone's list of invitees. When others have been there for me, it is kind to be there for someone else. Do you attend social events? Do you try to fill the room? Have you been disappointed when hosting an event with the excuses from those who did not come?

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes, I'm really not very interested in an event but I attend for the sake of my partner. Oddly enough, I usually enjoy myself and it certainly seems like everyone was glad I came, including my partner.
