
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I read about a young athlete who died at 23. My first thoughts were she died too young to be bored with life. One of the blessings of living a long life is to enjoy the life. We all have moments that are ordinary and think we are missing out on something. What the something may be is personal to the individual. We may think someone leads a more exciting life than our life. In honour of those who were denied the opportunity to marry, have children, work at a job for years, retire, travel- let us stop and really love what we have. I have known people who died and did not get to see their grandchildren, for example. Have few regrets. Frank Sinatra's song- Regrets I've had a few- could be a good mantra! Boredom is a great motivator to do the things you want to do. Are you bored today? Do you have activities in your life that seem boring? Can you turn the boredom into a moment of self revelation? Can it spur you to do the activity with some joy or to do a different activity? We all have to do many daily tasks that are routine. Can we make those routine tasks part of happy living? What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. It seems a tragedy when some talented young person dies young. Those of us who live longer have much to appreciate ... and much to do. So much to enjoy, boredom should never be an issue with us.
