
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, April 22, 2011


The Easter Lily so prevalent during the season has
many historical roots.
While doing some research for this
blog, there are references to Eve
and the Garden of Eden. Lilies sprang
from her tears as she left.
Roman mythology says Juno was nursing her son Hercules and her
milk was so abundant, it fell from the sky, creating lilies on earth while the
rest stayed in the sky creating the Milky Way

For Christians, the white lily is associated with the Virgin Mary. We are told through various sources and legends that when Jesus's sweat fell to the ground lilies grew. They are often called the" white robed apostles of hope" as they were growing in the Garden of Gethsemane. Even in the Virgin Mary's tomb visited after her burial, only bunches of white lilies remained.
Regardless of the legends, it is a significant flower at Easter. It connects us with older times. For me, I love the fragrance. I bought three of them- one for our home and two to give to the girls! I often think how modern customs and symbols have been with us throughout the ages. No matter how modern we may be, there is a quiet link to other times. As Jung said, the collective unconscious- I wonder! I find a peace with having the lily in my home. It's just a flower or is it! Do you have symbols of this holy weekend in your home? Do they have special meaning to you?

1 comment:

  1. That's an interesting background on the easter lily. Mostly, I remember that my mom loved to receive an easter lily. She always smiled when she saw one. I like them, too, but, then, I like all flowers. Perhaps, the one I like most is the yellow tea rose, another of my mother's favorites. Maybe, I'll try growing one in my yard this year.
