
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


It is said music mimacs the human heartbeat. It is what babies hear when in the womb. For most of us there are songs, melodies that trigger so many memories. The song we danced at our wedding. Amazing Grace sung at so many funerals. The music from Marching Bands. Christmas Caroles. Campfire tunes. Nursery Rhymes sung to our babies. On my first encounter with Adolph- Si Si Rider still bring those memories. Yellow River playing while we were in Hawaii during our Honeymoon. Some groups just have too many songs to mention them all- The Beatles from my youth still carry some weight in musical circles. Classical music as background to many movies, themes, ballets. Reading a book with music. Club music that makes us hop. Music geared to an individual culture. The song- I Believe - from the 2010 Olympics will always be with me. From the Lion King- Can you feel the Love tonight- Adolph and Natasha did their Father-Daughter dance to it. Muscials we have seen give a feel good feeling. Some groups or singers albums just have so many songs that we listen to them over and over for years and years. Favourite couples dance music. Just dancing with someone you love ! Do you ever feel the artist is singing the song just for you? Have some songs carried you through a depressive situation? Does some music make you cry, laugh, sing, rejoice? I could not imagine my life without music in the foreground sometimes and the background other times. What does music do for you? Has there been a time when it saved the moment?

1 comment:

  1. Your title for this post says it all, Barb. I can't imagine a life without music. There's something out there for every mood, every moment, and every occasion.
