
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Honesty is the best answer to most situations. When we tell the truth, we do not have to remember what we told to what person. One can have privacy. Simply do not share with everyone all the information about us. If we are uncomfortable answering something personal, it is best to say - I don't want to share that information. We can be painted into a corner- what do you think of my new hair cut, do you like my new girlfriend, do you like my new outfit??? It is hard to be truthful when the goal is to be kind- I really do not want to hurt anyone's feelings, do you? So we can still be honest by answering the question with a question? Therapists do it all the time. How do you feel about it? Do you like your hair? Why did you buy the outfit? I find that opinion interesting and different. Honesty is a true virture. There are people, however, that are very good at lying. How do you feel when you have caught someone in a lie? For me, it is a trust issue. Rarely, do I trust that person again. I will be friendly, kind but please do not ask me to trust you. My type of honesty is to be sincere, nice, thoughtful but not to share all my deeper feelings and thoughts with everyone. If I have made a mistake, I am honest enough to admit it and honest enough to apologize. Chit chat is good too. I do not expect others to share all with me- unless I am in a counselling mode then it is confidential and will not be shared with others. There is something about an honest person. I recognize honesty anywhere, anytime. It just feels good. Have there been issues in your life with deception? Have you trusted and been deceived? Do you try to surround yourself with honest people? Do you teach honesty to your children? Are you an honest person?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, unfortunately, I have occasionally been lied to and learnt the hard way not to trust that person again. Also, occasionally, I have been deceived. It hurts most when it was someone you trusted and considered a close friend.

    I try to be as honest as possible with people. However, I must admit to the occasional 'white lie' when I didn't know how else to handle a question. Like when someone asks me if a mutual friend told me something specific about them.

    I wish I could always recognise honesty in a person. But, I can't. I just give everyone the benefit of the doubt until I'm sure, one way or the other. I also try to avoid saying anything too personal to someone I know until I know for sure it won't be passed on to someone else. Sometimes, I think I'm too open and honest for my own good when someone asks me about something.
