
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, March 27, 2020


I saw a news clip today from a doctor in New York City. She works at a main hospital there.

A young doctor. She basically said she has never felt so sad in her whole life. She basically was experiencing how overwhelmed she felt.

So when we bang our drums and give food and say thank you to our health care providers, remember they are just people dealing with people. Not really super heroes.

They are not the only ones seeing the sad part of our lives right now.

Trying to secure a few grocery items and having to treat strangers with the physical distance thing as if they are the enemy.

How about all of you? Are you feeling sad?

The dictionary says- sad-unhappy, feeling sorrow, or regret. Doesn't cut it does it?

Sad can make us mad. Anger is often a defense for true sadness. Easier to be angry at things then admit how sad we feel

Sad can make us just want to stop and do nothing. Or rev up the fires and try to do everything over the top.

Sad can make us cry. Is crying okay? You bet. Gets the toxins out of our body. Let's us know how sad we really feel.

Don't be ashamed to feel sad.

This crisis is a really sad event with many long lasting consequences.

Not just an illness. But a change in thinking. Economy. Hopes. Dreams. Well you get the picture. It is all over the news. Everyone of us has our own issues during this crisis.

But allowing ourselves to feel sad. Sad is part of the grieving process. We can grieve one thing or everything.

So talk to others about this feeling of sad. Let your children know that it is a feeling they may be feeling and just don't know how to articulate it. They might just be presenting as angry at you.

We can feel our sadness and know others feel it too. We can share it with loved ones. We can  do a family hug even if it has to be by video chat or face time.

Sad also let's us know how compassionate we can be. We can give to others through thoughts, prayers, food and stuff.

Admit your feelings. It is okay. It is a personal journey, a family journey, a community journey, a national journey. It can feel isolating and lonely. It can feel collective.

So find ways to accept your sadness. You will get through it. Sad takes us to a different place in our lives and souls. Sad let's us know how real and human we are.

So how are you feeling today? What are you doing about your feelings? All of them.

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