
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, March 20, 2020


It is extremely hard as a parent to stay calm during this COVID19 crisis.
Nothing is certain.
How long closures will be?
How to be calm and reassuring around children becomes more difficult.
Working from home with children around!! A challenge.


Talk about it with your children. Be as honest as you can.

Be honest with yourself. What is your greatest fears?

What are you worried about?

Listen. Watch. And be available to your children's feats.

Pay attention. How are they sleeping? Are they clinging to you? Are the siblings fighting more? Is one withdrawing? Well you get the picture.

You know your child.

Now. Evaluate. Are you in a safe home?

Do you have enough to eat? Do you have things?

Probably yes to all these things.

So use up your resources at hand. Come on- I am sure you have lots of stuff.

Reach back into all the cupboards.

For crafts- the websites and ideas are endless. So explore some. With all that toilet paper- what can you do with the rolls. Do you have trees with pine cones? Endless ideas for pine cone crafts!!

Will things get back to normal?? No.

It will be a new normal. Yes life has changed. It will never be the same.

Will it be a change for the better? We will see. Depends on how you look at life and things.

Many people including myself have dealt with some heavy crap in our lives. The choice is whether you carry a chip on your shoulder or whether you see the silver lining.

Nana does not know best. But Nana copes, survives and loves life. You will get through this!!

Oh yeah wash your hands. But hug your children. You need a hug as much as they do.

So Stay Calm and Parent On!!

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