
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, March 5, 2020


I have a new method to my writing. I have several family story articles saved in draft.

As I research and find a little tidbit for a story I record it directly now in the story.

When I upload a picture or document. Same process- uploaded to the story or stories.

Sometimes one little tidbit can be added to several storylines.

It is much easier than making piles of paper and a list of adding to a story.

Today I discovered I had not started a story on one of my grandparents. So title, introduction, lots of spots needing further information. But the little tidbit with the source citation was put in the story.

I also have a research notebook on the go. So as I find information, a simple note is made. I do not transcribe if I have made a note on a piece of paper. I either staple or tape that little note in the research notebook.

I am quite organized. However, I have discovered I still make my little pile of papers. So putting that one piece somewhere as soon as possible makes for less work later. Of course the waste basket may be the place for it as the information has been added to that story.

I check the facebook groups too.

I had my hands slapped this week. There was an inquiry from someone asking about cemeteries in Mariposa Township. I had the 1988 cemetery record and was willing to do a lookup as well as suggesting it could be bought from the branch. My post was greeted by the big cheeses that stated no look ups on that group as the "boots on the ground" need to be acknowledged. I get it. However many people do look ups. The lady inquiring would probably buy the record anyway.. I felt like bad Barb for wanting to help someone

The genealogy world is fun but sometimes people do take themselves way too serious.

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