
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, March 15, 2020


In my Social Work career crisis intervention was one of my daily endeavors.

Dealing with the current COVID19 crisis I am noticing the many ways people cope.

Some get angry at others for sharing too much information.

Some has their general anxiety going out the roof.

The Italians are singing town by town even though they are not out of the woods.

Stock piling food and yes toilet paper is happening.

Judging others does not help. It sounds like you have it altogether when maybe you don't!!

Patience. Kindness. Finding a space that works for you.

I had fun posting my pictures of some of my shopping. Just for fun. 

Telling people to chill already really is unfair and does not work. Who is anyone to tell someone how to feel?

For example, I remember in my work someone had a loved one die. Was crying!! Then someone would tell that person not to cry! Really!! It's true. My response as a professional was- if you can not cry when someone dies when can you cry? Leave the person alone.

Angry is a defense for sadness. Could some angry people just be feeling really sad and do not know what to do with those feelings?? You bet.
Are you angry at others for expressing themselves because you may be afraid to admit you do not feel okay?

We have not experienced this pandemic previously. People have died. People will get better. Some people will get a little better but may not fully recover.

Crisis mode means your normal ways of coping go out the window. Does it explain the hoarding thing? A little. It gives people something to do that is in their control.

For those of us caring for vulnerable people right now, having stuff at home means less trips to the grocery store. Not bringing germs home has always been important but now it is heightened.

So unless you know what others are dealing with constantly, step back and try to understand those people.

So kindness. Stop judging. Stop telling other people how to act!!

People are worried about their health. Their jobs. Their loved ones. They do not know which direction things will go.

Fear is a terrible thing. The greatest fear is fear itself remember!!

Follow the rules. Hand washing. Social distancing but still be social. Reach out to others. If people want to post stupid pictures on facebook, instagram, twitter- well let them. People were posting stupid pictures all along.

So how are you coping? What are you doing?

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