
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, March 12, 2020


We knew there would be a blossoming of cases. Some people will die.

However, many and most people will get well.
Look for the helpers.

Self isolating helps to stop the transmission. So if you must self isolate make the most of it.

It's spring. Do some spring cleaning.


Watch TV. Binge watch. Super binge watch.
Take up a new activity.

If not self isolating then be a beacon to others.

Stay strong!! But stay calm!!

Reach out to family and friends that are self isolating. Bring them food and leave it on the doorstep.

Find some humour in your life. Laughter helps with tough times.

Acknowledge there will be lots of anxiety around you. Try to help to keep people calm. Find ways to keep yourself calm. If you are anxious then reach out to someone who can help calm you.

If stocking up on certain household items helps, then do it. But do not go nuts. Enough for awhile. Not so much until the next decade.

Smell the roses or any other flower you chose.
Find people who have experienced adversity. Learn from them. Talk with them. Yes wash your hands.

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