
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, August 17, 2018


Doing things quickly is needed sometimes. Making that left hand turn. Cooking a fried egg. Well you get the picture. Some decisions may need more time and patience.
For me recently finding the right family doctor. My doctor had retired and gave my chart to someone that I was not interested in seeing. So I waited. I looked for someone receiving new patients. So life presented itself for me when I was accepted by my new doctor. Some regular tests and check up so well on my way to knowing I have a Health Care Professional I can depend on. Okay maybe I left getting the check up longer than I should but it has worked out just fine. If I had had some medical issues there was always emergency and the hospital.

Taking one's time to find a new piece of furniture. Looking for the right next home. Buying a car. Deciding on that affordable vacation.

Patience that life will provide opportunities by looking, seeing, listening, hearing and sometimes just good research.

You may believe that things do happen for a reason. So that's where the patience comes into the picture. It may not be a good reason but life gave you what you needed.

So staying in our house longer than I wanted allowed me to be at a workplace close to home, a hospital for my husband close to home and time to fix, declutter and continue to investigate where we want to live next and in what form of housing. Patience. But things do get done while being patient.
Patience does not mean doing nothing. It means doing something. The something can be the means to finding the solutions to life's problems.

Patience has allowed me to complete some things. Like retirement from the workplace but not necessarily from work of some kind. Patience is teaching me to get to the stuff I care about and get doing and being. Slowing down is difficult. But slowing down does not mean stopping. It just means doing things more methodical and in that process finding my way.

Life does present itself. I wanted to try some new knitted projects. So when asking my oldest granddaughter what she may like me to make her, she said mitts. I told her that I don't make mitts then she said a scarf or hat. However, this Nana said to herself, why not mitts. So I found a mitt pattern and will be making a pair of mitts as a my practice. A small change but a good one.

Patience to trust the process of life. It does have a way of presenting itself.

So what are you waiting for? What do you need patience to enable you to trust the process? Why do you find yourself in a hurry? Can you slow down? Not to a dead stop but to look at the world around you!! Share your thoughts.

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