
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, August 25, 2018


Genealogy has been an ongoing passion for 34 years.
When trying to go digital, it has been difficult to decide what to submit to the cyber world.
In reviewing one family binder, the Frost one, for example, trying to decide what to discard and what to keep has always been a dilemma.
When I started researching it was copious trips to the library, typed letters to others searching the same name, recording and organizing and photocopying. We were told to keep all references as one day there may be a relation to one of our ancestors.So reviewing many microfische pages from decades ago, it was discovered none of them belong to me. Realizing the work and sometimes cost has been huge.
However, like decluttering a house, decluttering family history is important too. Once the direct lines are known and the descendants one wants to know are established, time to let go.
I have 15 family history, well organized binders. However, not all the information is needed now.
Besides, deciding a year or so ago, to write up the current people backwards for my grandchildren is good enough. Will they want to know about every cousin line in existence, probably not? But my grandparents are their great-great grandparents so they are a good place to end for them.
Then the pedigree charts that go back with the details will be good too. Why just my grandparents? Easy. I know their story. I can find their relevant social details like where they lived, what they did for a living, where they are buried!! And I have some pictures too. I can clean up their information with new data available online so they have proper cited references.
I have listened to others who have done research. Your children will not want all the copious notes, and charts and misc information. If there is a nice well written story with pictures then that is a different story- their story. Of course I will keep the cousin lines that were given to me. I am a little sentimental afterall!!

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