
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Aging brings life. But it can also bring chronic health issues. An overactive bladder. Breathing issues. Pain in joints that make walking long distances hard. Diabetes. Hypertension. Pills, testing and keeping well enough. Staying close to home can solve the problem but it is not much fun. Learning to manage the issues and get away for day jaunts, overnight or even longer trips takes planning. Many people do not want to look old. Won't wear a hearing aid. Drive when no longer safe to be driving. Sure don't drink and drive but are all the medications safe for many people. Learning to use a bus, a taxi or walk short distances can be simple solutions. Oh I hear from some that taking a bus is beneath them. In the GTA, the subway is a great way to get around the city core. Now there are more elevators in stations for those who have trouble with stairs. For those who can not walk long distances, most urban areas have mobility buses that come door to door for the price of a bus ticket. Living with the issues starts with a mind set. Recognizing that some tasks may take longer- so what if retired, you have time. Sharing the load with healthier individuals. Learning not to do activities alone. Having someone spot you. For example, when I wash the curtains, Adolph is behind me when I am on my little ladder hanging them back up. Five minutes of safety! Drive through fast food places are great too. My parents in their last years of living in their home would use the one at the Dairy Queen for their banana splits then go to a local park to eat them. A little jaunt. So more thought will be given to this issues. Aging creeps up on all of us so embrace it and live well! What are some of your solutions to change? What equipment do you use? What changes have you made to your home or surroundings?

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