
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, March 12, 2017


Cassino, my husband's hometown south of Rome has an interesting history. Due to the natural springs in the area it was an escape for prominent Romans to relax. Over the centuries a large Monastery that was built on the mountain prevailed. Monte Cassino.
At the base of the mountain near the Autostrada/ highway that enters Cassino are some significant ruins that time almost forgot.
A small Colosseum adjunct to modern Cassino.
Photos taken during my first trip to Italy in August 1991.
Taking in the scenery was enthralling.
Being able to visualize how old Cassino or as it was called Cassinum must have been.
A local farmer had his sheep grazing along the old Roman road.
Nearby was the Anfiteatro Romano! Amphitheatre! Can you picture someone walking on this ancient road? Well I walked on it!
Can you imagine a speech or some entertainment happening here!
The view from the top.
What is incredible is the fact these ruins survived at all. Throughout history there have been several invasions. The worst during World War Two- Spring 1944- when the Battle for Monte Cassino destroyed the town. The ruins at the base of the mountain survived in quite good shape as can be seen by the photos. The town was completely destroyed and was rebuilt after the war.
My regret is not returning to see what has become of this piece of history. With a digital camera, just think of all the photo opportunities that prevail.
#CassinoItaly #CassinoAntica#Italy

1 comment:

  1. digital would mean hundreds of photos instead of dozens!
