
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, March 2, 2017


Although we all look forward to the change of seasons, it can bring some mood issues as well. With the time change around the corner, our sleep patterns will be disrupted until we are used to the new time. More accidents happen at that time as well. More sunlight- yeah the days are getting longer means more time to be outside. For those with bipolar disorders, it can be a season that brings some mania. So understanding that change brings some anxiety is important. One of the big dilemmas is what to wear. When do we put away the boots, scarves and big coats to wear the thinner spring jackets. In one day we can be cold, warm, hot then cold again as the temperatures dip. There can be an urgency to get things done. Spring cleaning, garden cleanup, get the extra junk out of the garage then comes the sore muscles. So to work efficiently without hurting one's body is a good thing. Usually warmer weather puts people in a good mood. So here's to March and all the wonderful days ahead.

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