
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


With the days getting shorter and the time change happening this weekend, time to organize and plan for the next couple of months.Wearing a poppy for Remembrance Day is important. Planning on which service to attend to honour our Vets and current Service Men and Women is an honour. There will be parades in several locations for Remembrance Day as well as the usual Santa Claus ones. My Christmas list was organized in August. Gives time to find those bargains and items for gifts without the panic and rush of the hoopla season. Besides with out of town packages to be sent, vital to get them done. The family around the corner is a lot easier- tissue and put in a bag wrapping is a breeze. Why organize and get shopping out of the way? The season is more than gift giving. There are the events to enjoy. Deciding which events to attend takes money and time. Forgoing on the work event for some private ones will be my decision this year. Same money, two different events. Yard work continues as long as the weather cooperates. Turning to indoor stuff can be tackled. For this blogger, writing and more writing. Those genealogy stories are coming together. Promising to scan and send some big projects has to be done too. November is a shorter month with one day less. Also three very important birthdays happening with my loved family members. A 65, 40 and 3!!! Every time a new month happens, it seems it will be busy. But it is my busy. Trying to embrace life and what is meaningful to me takes some thinking and organizing. Mentioned on other posts, that the energy level has changed. When hours could be spent at tasks, it seems an hour or two is all that can be mustered. So finding those quiet, less energy activities give the feeling of accomplishment without knocking myself out. Finding time for those little cat naps to reenergize too! So as the month proceeds will keep you posted on all that is happening- quietly without all the hoopla. Taking time to embrace the little things around me and my world. So what about your world? What is important to you? How are you going to use this amazing month of November?

1 comment:

  1. today, annual vision testing in Carman and dogs groomed in Winnipeg ... show at Celebrations with kids and grand-kids this Sunday ... the beat goes on ...
