
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, November 11, 2016


Each year services are held across Canada to honour our Veterans and those serving in conflicts today throughout the world. It is not always possible for working people to find time to go to a service today. Many places have a service the Sunday before the day, like we did here in Richmond Hill Ontario Canada. Other countries have their own days of Remembrance too. Our Allies often celebrate and remember at the same time as we do. Teaching children the history, remembering makes us aware to fight for peace. To try to make the world a better place, safe for all. Giving people a home where they can have education, good health care and opportunities to live. Our troops go to areas of conflict for those reasons. To help the people there to find the stability they need. In disaster areas, our troops have brought water filtration systems to clean up their water to ensure survival at a basic level. Here in Canada our troops have been sent to our areas of natural disaster to assist. Years ago when Mayor Lastman was ridiculed for asking the troops to Toronto to go door to door to check on people during a very bad winter after a bad storm. The fact was no one died and all the elderly that needed some support received it. So who had the last laugh! Our Armed Forces are there for us every day in their own way. Protecting us! As well as honouring our troops, remember all our public servants that protect and serve like the police, Mounties, firemen and anyone out there keeping us safe. A day of Remembrance but a time to reflect on what has real meaning to us!

1 comment:

  1. there are so many people who help us get safely through life ... remember that some of them are not in a uniform
