
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016


November is always a busy month in my home. Two local family birthdays as well as sending wishes to my brother..Shopping, wrapping, Christmas letters and cards done- time to concentrate on the house and some social events. Actually went to a team dinner with some colleagues so time to be home and rest. Not a party animal. This time of year brings lots of reflections as memories of past events creep into my thoughts. Remembering family times. For many people the season has mixed blessings. The present with its hoopla and events as well as the past which may have been happy times mixed with some unhappy times. Trying to decide what is important for the season. Taking time to enjoy it. So deciding to make it the best Christmas ever can be a goal for all. The sense that each year may include people that may not be with us next year. I remember the year my mother-in-law was in her last stages of her cancer. I took a special video all the season with her in it for some memories for my family. After she died the next July that video was watched many times. Rather than running away from the fact that each event should be enjoyed as much as possible and to embrace the loved ones in our families, Christmas is a time to stop and take in all that has meaning in our lives. Simple events like listening to the wonderful music while reading a book or just listening to the music. If able go to a concert or one of those church special evenings of music. Teaching those songs to little children. I have a wonderful CD for children with all the Christmas songs. So as we say goodbye to November, embrace the fun of the season- yes there is work, stress but find ways to manage it and roll with doing what has the greatest meaning to you. If you are not too busy see how you can help the busy parents in your lives.

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