
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, November 14, 2016


Three comes after 2 and before 4. For a child, 3 is a good number. Speech is coming along. Understanding happens. Children age 3 are a delight and fun to be around.
Two's company and three is a crowd. Unless you are parents with one child then it works.
The Holy Trinity has three- Father, Son and Holy Ghost. In life there are often 3 choices to any conflict. Someone said lately- right or wrong. I said right, wrong or in the middle.
But think about a conflict and what you want to do- there are not infinite opportunities or options- usually 3 to consider!!
I thought I was fortunate when I had 3 grandchildren. Good number. Now with 6 maybe there are good things about the number 6. Then 2 into 6 makes 3! 3 inches off a waist line is good. Can wear skinny jeans. 3 cookies instead of 2 is always better. Oh the number 3.

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