
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


When my children were little, I really resented anyone who said the daddy was babysitting the children. Mothers parent and Fathers babysit! Hum! Well some people in this new generation seems to think the same sometimes. My daughter Sonya a modern Mom has her own blog and has been writing well. Her latest article on being a team as parents is a good read.
She is writing about the daily demands and issues facing young parents today.
Back to the two parent thing- children are not just the Mother's responsibility. With a third generation of women in the workforce, it is not a new concept that some women still chose to stay home. Some women really do not want to be in the workforce and enjoy being a stay at home mother! Good for you! But many women want it all just like men have had it all- work, recognition and parenthood. Actually other generations of women worked in factories, on the farm, in family businesses, held the fort during the war years as well as the chores in the home-but their work and contribution was not always recognized! Women have always worked in the workplace and at home! There has always been double duty. More men have stepped up and become a team with their spouses. Just doing what needs to get done in the home and garden!
What really has to happen is for women to stop bashing each other! Yes as an aging woman I have always recognized that women are women's worst enemies. Embracing and supporting all mothers and fathers as they parent young children together is important.
As a Social Worker, it is how one parents that helps to nurture and raise children- a tough job but loving and caring job. Two parents parent. If a family is lucky, there are grandparents, aunts, uncles, older cousins and family friends, neighbours, coaches and others that surround our children to help with it all! It takes a village to raise a family so let's support the village. But most of all support the young mothers and fathers around you. Give them a listening ear and your blessing!

1 comment:

  1. it takes a community to raise and keep a child safe and nurtured ...
