
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, April 25, 2016


Luckily there are different groups of friends and acquaitances in my life. Each Spring the Langstaff Ladies- some of my High School mates- get together for lunch at a hotel near the Airport.It is a middle spot as we all come from different directions.  Some years it is a small group and other times more can attend. Yesterday it was 8 women- all my age. Refreshing as there is no need to explain oneself or be treated as if I needed botox! Being with others who are going through life and enjoying the moments! Sharing a picture or two but now with Facebook easy to keep up differently! A good gab and a goodbye- see you next year or maybe sooner, who knows! There is a history. We know the highlights! There is no competition! Who cares who makes more money and has a nicer car! Just a chance to remember the old times, live in the present and hope the future brings more joy. Some are retired and others still working like I am. Reunions are a needed part of life. I always feel good coming back from this one. I can tell my hubbie how it went because he knows the ladies too- it was his High School!

1 comment:

  1. it's great to meet with friends that you are at ease with ...
