
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, July 23, 2010


In our lifetime we have the joy of making friends-new, old and in between. They know our history and is often said, love us anyway. No explanation when they're needed, just listen, know what we need. When a friend dies, the loss can be so overwhelming. Not replacable. New work buddies, vacation mates, will come into our lives. I am a good friend. I like to be there for others. I like to know I can be trusted and feel honoured when I am empowered with that trust. Sometimes we are lucky meeting someone new and it is as if we have known that person all our lives. There are people I wish were here today. I really miss them- their voice, their thoughfulness, their friendship. Is there a friend you are missing today? Has someone given you the friendship you need? Are you a good friend? What would our lives be without the friends who have crossed our paths?

1 comment:

  1. I think you've said it all here, Barb. Friends comes in all shapes and sizes, from a brief acquaintance all the way through to someone we would literally die for. At my age, there are some that have passed away, some that have simply moved on. There are even a few pretenders mixed in with the cluster, those that I thought were good friends but really weren't. For sure, no two friends are really alike. Again, with age and, of course, experience, we gradually learn who our true friends are. I think one of the best things in life is that we can gradually make new friends to replace those we've somehow lost along the way. And, besides our chosen partner, the best friends we can have are some members of our own family. To have friends, you must make friends and work at maintaining those friendships. Our best friends bring out the best in us.
