
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, November 30, 2023


 November with birthdays, Remembrance Day and some personal dilemmas.

I have had a disturbing issue with my mail. Somehow it has been rerouted!

Canada Post is trying to find the issue. Parcels get delivered to my door, just not mail to my community mailbox. Lots of flyers.

Hopefully I will get some Christmas cards.

I have put many items online now with online accounts.

So as November ends I hope December brings a resolution to the problem,

I remain optimistic. However there is an Ombudsman at Canada Post I can use if necessary.

In life when some heavy shit has happened, I know I can get through the small stuff.

But it is strange that small stuff takes so much emotional energy. 

Why do we feel because we are older that crap should not come our way?

I remember feeling that about my mother-in-law. She had dealt with so much and even as she was dying from cancer she had crap thrown at her by a family member. It did not seem fair.

Then yes we all know life is not always fair. But somehow I feel it should be.

I remember another stressful time. October 1984. My husband had a business partner, wife and son killed in a car accident on the 401 Thanksgiving weekend coming home from Montreal. One worker was beaten up and in bad shape in the hospital. Adolph had a truck fire on the road that completely gutted it. He had told me Barb I had a little truck fire. When I saw the truck in the yard, I was shocked.

Adolph had to go to Montreal for the funeral as his partner had family there.

Then what happened. A community Board to which I belonged had a 50/50 draw. I was called that week to be told I had won. The money was quickly used to book a trip to Mexico in January- a good discount week. I felt Adolph needed a vacation more than anyone.

That is why I remain optimistic. In the middle of diversity there can be a glimmer of hope and goodness.

Bad things do happen but then so do good things happen. 

When we open up to the universe with good vibes- I know it sounds hockey but  it does work.

Some people might label it as FAITH. Call it what you want. But positive energy and ideas can bring positive stuff. Besides it does not hurt anyone. 

With any anxiety I may be feeling I do my positive self talk of what I can do to make life especially my life better. If I feel okay then people around me are taking in my positive energy.

On social media, only positive comments as I do not want to be one of those bitchy trolls that say whatever.

So how about you? How are you doing with November coming to an end? Are you facing any adversity in your life?


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