
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


 In my bid to stay involved with community groups, I have found them to be less positive.

Cancelled meetings.

Not getting a response to messages sent for suggestions.

Having suggestions over turned by one Chair who likes to micro manage and is a bit of a control freak. Who needs it??

I do not.

I am involved in 4 such meetings and groups.

My online groups like Facebook groups, writing on my blog, Instagram are more fulfilling and yes enjoyable. Enjoyable is a good thing. 

I find attending events without any commitment to be satisfactory. I can take photos and enjoy the event.

Perhaps even meet some new people. Have a lively conversation and then go home.

No hassle. No conflicts. 

So will the New Year bring some resignations from some groups. Perhaps!!

Or less involvement!

I can go to the Library.

I can go to a movie.

I can try to meet with acquaintances and friends more often.

And my family. Still enjoy those grandchildren sleepovers.

I joined the other groups to be with people and meet new people which I have done.

For the power struggles and hassles, I had enough in my career.

I want to support my family with love and involvement. I do not mind their struggles, challenges and yes sometimes conflicts. But because I love those people it is doable and worth it.

In life, pick your battles.

Besides, I really do not need to impress anyone. Really I never did. So if someone does not like what I

 say or do. WHATEVER!!

How about you? Do you belong to groups that are not a happy time? Any suggestions on moving forward?



  1. Your fav cuz used to belong to a group of ex-Winnipeg employees but that ended when I stopped driving after a vehicle accident. Now, I'm chauffeured by my good wife. I'm still licennced to drive and coul in an emergency

    1. but, I don't really want to drive anymore. At 79, I realize that everyone on the road would be safer if I wasn't behind the wheel. Everyone is different though; some people are probably good drivers well into their 80's.
