
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, November 23, 2023


 I was reflecting with a family member about being okay with who I am and what I have.

Okay we live in a very material society.

Things matter.

Your car matters.

Your house matters.

Or does it?

I have been around some very superficial people who feel superior because they have more than I do.

As a working person, sometimes I was looked down on because I worked. That woman had a husband with a higher paying job. For example, it was at one job at CNIB where lots of the volunteer women had downtown executive husbands. Staff were inferior to them. Well I had a nickname for them. Lady Bountifuls! 

For me being able to support myself along with my husband mattered.

I went to university to find a good job and I actually found many good jobs. 

As life would have it, working was important. Paid the bills. Paid into pension plans!

What some people with things and money do not realize is, many people do not give a flying crap about their stuff and fake feeling superiority attitudes!

I like real people with values. Even just ordinary people with ordinary lives are good. I am one of those ordinary people and I am just fine with it. 

I have people that I love and they love me.

Have a laugh.

A good meal.

Go to a movie.

Be kind every day.

Treat others with the respect I want in my life.

Activities with meaning for me not necessary for others. Like my obsession with genealogy!!

Trying to enjoy every day!!

So my 2018 jeep is just fine, thank you very much. My neighbourhood is full of very expensive cars!! 

How about you? What are your thoughts? Are you happy with what you have and the people in your life?


1 comment:

  1. Your cuz read this post and the word satisfaction came to mind: it's defined as the fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this. I also thought of the word acceptance. Now, I'm thinking about going to bed. Good night, fav cuz ...
