
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, November 20, 2023


 Decorated the house with big items as all the little stuff stays in the closet.

I only decorated one Christmas tree this year.

I find that decorating has become more work than fun.

So I do less as needed. The house looks festive enough. 

My light display is in the front window so I can put it on a timer. My outside plug does not accommodate one. Sometimes the plug shorts and I need to go to my fuse box to restart it. So inside lights work.

Christmas shopping is slow as I have to wait for the grandchildren's wishes. Now it is usually money!

However I still buy a few small things to have presents under the tree.

The two little ones need that fun of Christmas. 

But the feeling of the empty chair and missing loved ones creeps in!!

I like outdoor Christmas displays. Maybe I need to go out and about to see the joy of the season.

How about you? How are your Christmas plans coming along?



  1. No displays at 43 Carbutt. We visit Josi's home in LaSalle for a gift sharing brunch and the then Marg drops me off at home and she goes on to her sister's place near Portage. I wait for her video.
