
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, September 4, 2022


 Two of my grandsons are starting High School. They are apprehensive. The parents are apprehensive. And well the Nana too!!

Each child starting a new school year brings excitement and can be a little scary. Each child's experience is unique to that child.

For Special Needs children it means all the ts must be crossed and dot the i!!

For children that are now new adult like children going away to College or University can be daunting financially as well as emotionally for all concerned. For the students it is like having their own place. For the parents a new experience.

I can not speak for those experiencing back to school this Fall. I can speak to my experiences and the feelings entailed.

I had children transferred to two different schools when we moved to Richmond Hill from Thornhill.

Then the girls went to two separate High Schools. Hard to remember if it was hard. I know it was not easy.

Their friends were from two different groups of people. 

The hardest Fall was when Sonya went away to university. My mother-in-law had died late July of 1998.

So packing the university kid's stuff and racing down the 401 on Labour Day to check into Rez was daunting to say the least. When we returned home I went to her bedroom and looked at it. It felt like someone had died. It was such a depressing feeling. It was necessary for her to grow and change.

Yes back to school means different things to different people. Most parents are glad to have their children back in school

After Covid closures it means even more to everyone. Hope that activities and sports start up so children can feel they have a normal like life.

To stay in school. To like their teacher or professor. To make new friends.

My experience at university was hard. My boyfriend went away to another university. There were 10,000 students. It was a little scary. So the first class I sat down and introduced myself to the two girls sitting on either side of me. I had thought I don't know many people as only a few of my high school acquaintances were going to York. So new friends made. 

Yes it is the Fall of 2022. But feelings of fear, belonging, will I look geeky, will I make new friends still prevail.

For my grandchildren, they can always talk to their Nana if needed.

To all the children, young adults, parents and yes the support team- aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents all the best for the new school year!!

How are you feeling about back to school?


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