
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


In my line as a Social Worker, I would see it all the time. Good people with bad events.
Bad things do happen to good people.
 A Rabbi wrote a book by that name many years ago when his own son has a debilitating disease and died young.

Why does a 3 year old get cancer?

People always talk about Karma. Yes and no.

There are many people who have what they have because they screwed others. Or their lucky break affected someone else. Bad things do not happen to them.

There are of course, many people who worked damn hard for everything they have. Raised their children well but maybe one did not turn out so well.

Do all the old folks and sometimes young folks who get dementia deserve it because of some karma?
I say no.

If all the kind people got what they deserved they would be the really rich ones.

Many times you are just in the wrong place at the wrong time!! Or a better candidate got the job.

Practicing safety. Eating well. Exercise. these are good tips for a healthy living. But no guarantee you will live fit until 100 years old.

Life does present itself in unusual ways sometimes. If we play the cards we are dealt in the most positive way than life can be manageable and doable and hopefully moments of happiness and joy.

So do you think everyone gets what they deserve? Why do you care if others suffer? Live your life as best as you can.

Love those around you. Encourage positive vibes.
Be your own star!

Even in adversity look for the helpers. Accept kindness from others. And if a good person know that some bad events will happen to you for no reason. So don't look for a reason.

So Karma or just bad things happen to good people!!

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