
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, May 3, 2019


To have an opinion does not make one opinionated. To be able to review everything about a situation and have an opinion. To close one's mind and just be opinionated about everything is different.
There are many grey areas in issues. Sometimes it is not easy to take a stand. But sometimes it is very easy.

So today I hid some messages on Facebook that I have a differing opinion.

I believe in vaccinating.

I believe in flu shots.

I believe most illnesses and disorders are genetic and not caused by vaccinations.

I believe you should consult a real doctor and not rely on Dr. Google!! You can research information on the Internet but be careful. Consult real trained health care professionals that actually trained in their field.

Measles is harmful so get vaccinated. Look at the history of the North American Native population and how it was decimated by measles.

Is it necessary for a child to have the measles? No.

I had many childhood diseases that children today do not need to have. Yeah!!

As a Senior I had  Shingles and Pneumonia vaccinations because a real Infection Control Doctor that I respected recommended them. My family doctor concurred.

I am a bright person and can get the facts. I am not interested in fringe groups that try to manipulate people into thinking the whole medical profession is trying to dupe people.

Good medical people will do no harm.

Good health care comes with using the modern vaccinations, treatments and methods of screening.

So that is my opinion!!

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