
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, February 28, 2019


A few years ago when going through a tough time and I thought it could not get any worse, someone said to me don't bet on it. You can hit the floor then someone could kick the floor out from under you.
It made me feel like I better be thankful I only had the problems I had as it could get worse. Well I did not feel thankful for my problems, I just wanted to get through them.
Even if the floor can be kicked out, don't tell that to someone going through a hard time.
I always love when someone has a problem and say well my friend told me about someone who has it worse. Really. Whatever problem a person has, it is huge to them. Some people handle things better than others. Even if a person's problems seems small to you, it may be an accumulation of many problems over the last few days, months, years.
Don't belittle what someone is experiencing!!
Along with getting the floor kicked out, there can be a silver lining sometimes.
The Fall of 1984 is an example. My husband had 3 business partners. We went to a wedding of one his partners- Angelo's son. Three weeks later returning from Montreal for the Thanksgiving weekend- Angelo, his wife and other son were killed in an accident on 401 in front of the newlyweds travelling in the car behind them. 2 days later my husband was in one of his trucks and it caught on fire becoming completely gutted. He was okay.The same week one of his workers was in a bar fight, almost killed and ended up in a coma which lasted for several weeks, remaining in hospital. My husband and others needed to go to Montreal for the funeral. Of course lots of worries about it.
A bad week. Yes.
I belonged to a Board on a local agency. There was a fund raiser. 50/50 draw. I get a phone call on the Friday of that horrible week and guess what. Yes I won 800 plus dollars from the draw. I booked a trip for my husband and me for January with the money.
So life can be strange. In the bad times can be some good times or just good supports when needed.
Even if the floor is kicked out maybe there will be someone to catch you. Just saying!!

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