
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, October 8, 2018


After missing several days of walking due to a need to super clean the house and prepare for Thanksgiving and the family.
So a refreshing Thanksgiving Monday power walk was had.
Not the usual commuter traffic at Major Mackenzie and Yonge. No one really waiting for the buses. So able to stay focused on thoughts, the weather and the environment. Seeing the trees slowly turning to the beautiful autumn shades is a small joy in life.
Must return with my camera to take this row of trees that are no longer green.

Glad I took pictures recently of some construction paraphernalia as it has been removed.

It is a small area where I walk. I loop back on the same road to my house. But the simple images and noises keep my thoughts churning.
I also noticed tons of goose poop on the sidewalk. I thought those Canadian geese would have gone south already!!
Most of my thoughts were on the thankful moments of my life. A busy, noisy Thanksgiving dinner with members of all ages is one of life's joyous blessings. Preparing for the dinner is lots of work but enjoyable. I feel blessed I am still able to do it. Life changes us. One day the torch will be passed to another family member or members.
The walk was good too to get me back to a good exercise routine again. So part of my thanks is just doing the walk.
Why are you thankful this Thanksgiving Monday??

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