
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Research has shown that people with positive social contacts fare better. For example, the elderly with a hip fracture will heal better with more family and social contacts. Stimulation! The hospital environment is the worst place for anyone with diminished capacity. They need the familiar. So does healing generally occur better when an individual is surrounded by people who care. People with a strong faith rely on the love of God! I would contend yes. If you have a purpose to get up in the morning with social supports, your life has better value. If you feel valued does it affect your physical systems? I would contend yes. So does love help you heal? Unfortunately I do not have any studies to quote and to cite for you. However I would say love helps with everything. Being loved, feeling love and loving others does something amazing for our general well being, doesn't it! Through the hard times, love from others just feels good! Emotionally! Physically! Socially! So I would go with- Love helps you heal!

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