
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, June 30, 2014


Sometimes we can all feel a little off balance. Not even tipsy, just needing to refocus. Changes in season, months or even decades can give a sense of the urge to regroup. It could be from a sore hip, which makes us limp! So what is balance! The word can mean different things to different people. We balance our budget, hopefully with money left over. Balancing our lives between work and play. A balance can help us weigh items. Chiefs of staff can hold the balance of power in the world. Balance can mean making a compromise in a conflict. Taking in both sides. The Thesaurus tells us, we can ponder, consider, deliberate, compare  an idea. Like an acrobat we can balance on a tight rope- which our lives do feel sometimes! Anticipating a positive outcome like reaching the other side safely! Lives with a balance are very fulfilling as many aspects can be accomplished. Getting exercise while participating in a loved sport is an example. Having social times and quiet times allows for  different parts of ourselves to grow! Balance in marriage, family and life helps us to stand on our feet! So how do you keep your balance in life?

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