
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Cleaning the corners of a house is very therapeutic. Pulling out stuff that has been unused for awhile to give to a new home  begins a decluttering process. Sometimes it is a garbage bag or put on the curb hoping someone would take it or giving to a charity. Getting one of those calls that "we will be in your neighbourhood' do you have anything.? Well I did and a huge pile of stuff from the garage is waiting by the front door. One of my girls wants to do a garage sale this summer so some of the "better stuff" was saved for that event. I have to help her anyway so might as well try to sell some of the things laying around. When I look at the pile on the front pathway, the realization sets in- how much stuff do I have? Well lots? We have been in our home for 27 years and counting. I promised my children I would not expect them to clean out my home the way I had to help clean out my parents' home. Assessing the real collectibles and finding the right market for them is rather fun. For example, my old LPs or vinyl records can be sold to one of the 16 stores in Toronto. Some of them could be $5.00 or even S50. Not here's a  box for $10.00 at some garage sale. With some of the internet options I now can label some stuff as vintage. A wedding gift from the 70s is vintage now- go figure! A neighbour is moving and has been cleaning out stuff to move. Interesting what goes to the curb. Each house has things that are used by the current buyer but when moving the decision to give away, sell or put to the curb can be rather mercenary! I even explore my home saying you will go and you will come to my stuff. There are old things we just use because we have them, aren't there? Like my 14 white plastic chairs strategically placed throughout my garden. 20 something years old! Well you get the picture, they will not be coming. The cute new little table with the modern weave chairs will be coming with me when I leave this house. I actually started going through the photo albums a few years ago when I did the 40th anniversary albums for us and the girls. Actually sent some photos to family and threw out stupid ones of people or events that did not matter anymore. Now with scanning and putting pictures in photobooks, a project of saving them to a different media is possible. But family albums with their history are a simple things to keep and often bring the most pleasure.  I am lucky because most of my antique and furniture items can be used for storage. Believe it or not, most of them are empty because this house has copious cupboard space.  The idea of changing and going somewhere else is often overwhelming for most people. My strategy is to plan and get to it methodically. As we consider where we want to live next, that is the most difficult decision. The second decision- how small can we go so there is comfort. Our area is rather pricey but to live close to the children and grandchildren it will be a price we have to pay. An hour away the housing prices come down. My thoughts are- just one place, one time. Giving stuff away helps with a review of one's life. What has the most meaning? Why did I keep this? Like the Ikea ad when the old lamp went to the curb with the sentimental music and the announcer said- it's just a lamp!! Better not to get sentimental about everything isn't it?

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