
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, May 3, 2014


During a conversation at work recently, it was decided it was great to have a handyman in the house. Since neither my mother nor I had the luxury of such a person, it was vital to learn many household skills beyond laundry, dishes and cooking. I don't do anything electrical but can fix things and figure out what needs to be fixed. Skills such as sewing-yes unlike modern people- I can sew on a button and hem pants so do not need to take anything to a sewing centre and minus $15.00 later have a finished product. So what is better to be such an expert of one area but not know much about other things or the proverbial jack of all trades. Painting a room, making the curtains, cleaning it and framing a photo to decorate brings the many skills scenario.  Call me Jack or maybe the female version is Jane of all trades. It is more fun to putter with many areas. The boredom factor of life lets a project sit while another one is progressing then returning to finish the other one. Active projects such as digging a section of the garden or quieter ones like photographing something of interest or knitting while watching TV or a movie allow many little things to get done at the chosen pace of the moment. Workplaces require job descriptions and what is in your scope of practice. At home there is no scope of practice. Some couples may keep gender roles but many men and women have started to gravitate to what interests them. Some cultures still have female and male jobs!! If it's broken and can be fixed give it a try. We have become a throw away society. Some things are good for the recycling bin or a charity box. However, many little home projects can be managed by the people living there. Yes I needed to hire a roofer for a new roof but painting a room or cleaning the grout in the tiles can be done cheaper by knowing how to do it. There is a sense of accomplishment to say I did something. Besides have you ever hired someone and found the mess made was not worth the cost of that person. Or little boo boos were made and have irritated the hell out of you ever since? If I made the mistakes I can live with them since my labour did not cost me any money!! Expert or Jack! Which are you??

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