
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


What goes around come around! The same can be said for crafts and ideas for children. The latest range for children is a psuedo loom that children can weave or loop coloured elastics into bracelets, chains or other items. My granddaughter has a set and made her Nana a colourful bracelet. Similar to ideas of old- like corking! The modern moms think it is so cool! But what is old is new again! Talk to a skilled weaver who makes cloth and rugs or other items! Yup another form of weaving. The Dad that "invented" it is given so much credit! Smart man! He just looked around at what was here for generations and put a modern plastic slant on it! I remember as a child making elastic chains to use like a jump rope. Someone held each end and we would jump over it until it was too high. As a crafter, knitting and crocheting has been a part of my conscienceness for decades. Can't wait until some Dad reinvents knitting! Actually I think it is great that little children want to make something with their hands. My girls made friendship pins when they were little. A simple safety pin that the child could put coloured beads and other items. Worn as one or chained together! An item to share with friends thus the friendship connotation! Remember pet rocks! Perhaps there is an old idea to be reinvented right in front of me! Hum-let me see what I can find!    

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