
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Children need parental figures in their lives. Often it is very simple a married mother and father. Each contribute to the well being of the children. In cases of divorce or death when a parent may be missing some of the time, it becomes trickier. Currently, many couples have joint custody so spend equal amounts of time with each parent but not at the same time. So there is room to play one parent against the other more readily than in an intact family. We all know children always try to get something from the other parent that may have been denied. In the case of death, the parent who remains is the parent. A single Dad with 3 little children may be struggling to regroup and be both Mom and Dad. So parental figures- grandparents, siblings, nieces and nephews can come to the rescue. Even friends that can give the other gender perspective. If the Mom is absent, children need a "Mommy" figure. If the struggling parent is able to welcome assistance from others, then the job becomes easier but not easy! Sometimes two mother figures- a Mom and a grandmother can be very effective- look at a sitting President of a major country! Children benefit emotionally from many adults in their lives that love them and provide stability! Just watch the faces of the children in your lives when significant people arrive at family functions! Especially birthdays and Christmas when presents are involved! Knowing there is a family/friend system is there has a deeper meaning! Many new immigrants gravitate to the friend system as a family substitute when their families are in the home country and unavailable! I often feel badly for young parents without grandparents or other suitable family members around them. Adolph and I are backup to my girls and families. With the odd day care pickup, a day with us or sleepovers, relief is there as needed. The parents know the children are in safe loving hands. The little ones think it is special!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure every visit by your grand-kids is special for them and for you and Adolph. They are very fortunate to have such great grandparents.
