
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023


 I heard a celebrity's wife talk about how she was really feeling.

Basically she said- " I am not okay". But people and others around her expect her to be strong and okay.

Privately and in her own way she is managing but she is not okay.

So Why?

Ask the question. How does it really feel to watch the love of your life slowly deteriorate a piece at a time.

It is what types of dementia really does.

If the loved one has other illnesses, it is the same deal.

So rather than ask how the person is doing, just show up. Just say I am checking in to see you and hear you and be with you.

It is so hard. Yes hard to watch someone you love not doing okay.

Age is irrelevant. Yes someone can have had a good life but losing that person is never easy.


Aches the soul.

Breaks the heart!

No matter what is done the course of life can not be reversed. 

It is more than painful to watch and not be able to change things.

So if you really care and ask someone how they are doing, be prepared to listen.

A dignified end of life comes with hard work, effort, and lots of love. Always remember you are not talking about a sick person but a cherished loved one.

So the answer it is okay not to be okay but I am here. 

Hugs work too.


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