
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


The New Year always brings some resolutions for many. Better eating. Lose weight. Go to the gym. Organize. I have learnt to continue doing what I was doing. No resolutions just continue. Yes a sweet or two like chocolate can help the mood. For those with food restrictions like the person with diabetes, yes limiting the amount of carbs and sweets is important. But everyone has to live. So decide what is important to you. I enjoyed the festive season and a birthday for my hubbie with some good eating and yes some sweets-birthday cake. I decided a long time ago-well life is too short to try to meet everyone's standards of how to be. Yes keeping your weight down is a healthy thing but only if it comes with good eating. Starving yourself thin is not good for your body or soul. Unfortunately there are adults with major eating disorders. The diet plans are good. However, if your only topic of conversation is how many calories you put in your mouth, watching and commenting on what everyone else is eating and just swishing your food around your plate pretending-"I am so full" are sure symptoms something is wrong. Besides if you want or need to lose weight-do it quietly. Feel good quietly that your clothes are fitting your body better. Annoying everyone around you with your talk of me, me, and my weight-well you get the picture. Have a cheat day where you may have fast food, a sweet, a calorie ridden alcholic beverage or whatever! So post festive season actually is a little boring. There must be another birthday or party coming up. So some fun eating can occur! You can have your cake and eat it too!!!

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