
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Don't put all your eggs in one basket or in this case-your tangerines. I learnt this saying as a young girl. With age its meaning has given new meaning to me! The eggs could mean the "eggs of life". To have many interests and people so one area does not take over everything. For those of us that have been laid off a job, for example, the meaning of putting all energy into a job and the people there can be very devastating when it is over. Discovering that your talents were no longer needed can be very demoralizing. People who were your colleagues drop you like flies! So the lesson, no matter what job you have, make sure there are other components in your life. For those with big financial investments as another example, downsides in the economy have taught that they can bust and the money is less. So diversifying is the key to investing! Friends and family are important but must be nurtured. Finding balance and allowing for space with grown children can be challenging! The empty nesters must not impose on those grown children that may not want to spend all their spare time with the parents! The saying don't put all your eggs in one basket could be even simplier. Perhaps one day, long ago an egg farmer dropped his whole morning crop of eggs because it was in one basket. Maybe in dismay he looked at his child, saying see-we should have brought more baskets! Food or egg for thought!!

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