
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Revisiting the past in order to meet the present so we can move forward happens periodically in my life. During my staycation, some decluttering and cleansing occurred. One activity was weeding out all my correspondence in items such as cards, emails, letters and other such things. Saving something in the first place gives meaning but why it still was in my procession was a good question! Have you ever looked at a card or goodbye card from a group of people-then asked yourself-who were those people. One goodbye card from 37 years ago was interesting! I could not remember 90% of the people. I worked with those people for over 2 years but now it is hard to know them. Interesting two people from that job are still current contacts for me! Cathy and Denise! The rest are history. So such items could be weeded. I promised myself that I would not leave everything for my children to sort and do for me down the road when I could not. Cleaning out some of my mother-in-law's stuff then my parents' home was very tedious and sometimes painful! Sorting always takes longer than wanted! But the process is rather cleansing! To keep the important stuff for now anyway! I figure I will continue to shortlist things. Over the last few years, I have been weeding some photo albums and finding the pictures some new homes. Sending to family members that would enjoy them more gave me some pleasure. Not throwing out but just relocating! From my album to yours so to speak! Once a cleansing process starts it does not need to stop. Like other things in life-just do it in stages! Sometimes all my little written notes can seem sacred but do I want my children sayings-why did Mom keep this?? It is not spring cleaning but midwinter cleaning! With all the bad weather, time to clean some more corners of my life. Are you cleaning out some of your corners? Do you find decluttering refreshing?

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