
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


A change is as good as a rest so it is said! Well my staycation-spending my birthday week at home is such a change. Stopped in my tracks! No walking to and from work on icy sidewalks- can take my 2 lb weights and just walk around the house for 1/2 hour or more. Letting other social workers cover my floors at the hospital like I cover theirs when they are away. Puttering, cleaning and actually tackling a writing project or two so they advance rather then sit in a pile. Actually decluttering some corners-like the stuff from my folks home that needed some more cleansing. Watching movies-recent DVD purchases at a bargain helped to distract while doing the mundane tasks. Picking up the books I have been reading and trying to finish them. If I were away on a southern holiday, reading a book would be a big accomplishment in a week!  Sometimes it is so valuable just to change things up a bit. The weather is very cold so not needing to run around and shop makes being home easier. A restaurant birthday dinner planned and a lunch out with my daughters are good social events. Trying not to spend copious amounts of money as a goal while using my resources at hand- for example, my business supplies are plentiful. If I went for one item at a business store, I would come out with more!! Anticipating a new furniture purchase-finally bought a new box spring and mattress-will arrive on the weekend. Some babysitting with two grandchildren will round out the week. I did not want to conquer the world. Sometimes I have such a long list of things I want to do that I get tired just looking at it. Sometimes just stopping and reflecting on life's little pleasures. Staycations have their benefits and drawbacks. No waiting at an airport. No needing to exchange money. No packing of suitcases. But there is no beach or interesting photo opportunities! No travel stories or postcards to buy. Of course, the next vacation can be away! For now, regouping, reflecting and relaxing. I can stay in my jammies just a little longer than usual! I won't have a lot of stories to tell but I think the mood will be noticed! Oh happy day! Perhaps a little music to help the mood would be nice. Time to revisit some of my favourite songs.

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