
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Winter blahs can lead to winter depression. The cold and slippery conditions can keep people indoors for safety reasons but can also lead to withdrawing from much needed activities and stimulation. Cabin fever can lead to a low mood. The reduction of sunlight is a contributing factor as many people do suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. What to do! Embracing a winter activity or two helps. Going to warm places that are inexpensive like being a mall walker or weekly jaunts to the library. Our library has a coffee shop so it makes the reading enjoyable. Bookstores also have coffee shops for reading pleasure. Belonging to social groups like book clubs, card groups, senior or junior activities and for the parents with younger children-well talking to other parents helps too. It goes without saying if your low mood can not be overcome-then a visit to your family doctor to be assessed for depression and possible further intervention. Although it is only January, mid-winter like the throngs of Feburary has a higher incidence of depressive episodes and even suicides. Some post-Christmas blues and the letdown after the party times is normal for most of us. Finding our new norm without all the hoopla can lead to boredom. Let's face it a lot of our normal activities like laundry, shovelling the driveway, taking kids to lessons, grocery shopping etc. are necessary but not exciting. Even those New Year's resolutions can be boring too. Accepting that a little low mood can inspire us to do something fun or creative or new to add some excitement to our lives. Or just taking those simple moments with family, friends and activities enjoying them to the fullest can be rewarding! How is your mood? Are you feeling a little down these days? Is January a hard month for you? Would planning daily activities and sticking to the plans helps to motivate you? Would reconnecting with past activities give you renewed pleasure? Let me know what works for you! 

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