
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, December 21, 2013


Christmas magic happens because adults make it happen. The recent Toy Mountain Drive in the GTA went over its number to get 150,000 toys donated. The CHUM Christmas wish is doing well. Food bank drives and adopting a family drives for Christmas are in full swing. In every area across Canada, adults are helping local people with their special Christmas collections and efforts to feel some magic! Santa and all the Santas out there that make sure the children in their lives have magical moments! Some of my work colleagues went together to make magic happen for a couple of little girls that wanted some new bedding for their new place. Me-I did my own thing and made some magic of my own! Grandparents are able to fill some gaps in the wish lists for the grandchildren at the relief of the parents! Helps to fill the spaces under the tree! The fun with making magical moments-like a living room with music boxes, singing snowmen, santas to touch and boxes to rearrange- is the adults can revisit all the magic of Christmas. I sometimes watch from another room my grandchildren enjoying Nana and Granpa's things! A home with the preferred family decorations or theme with lights bring a joy, coziness and room to create memories. Every Christmas tree decorated to the owner's special effort! I love decorated trees and often spend time just looking at all the ornaments and things on them to appreciate the care and effort that went into it! Yes the season with all the fuss and hoopla can make many adults really tired! After the tired comes the magic and those magical moments with little children on Christmas morning thrilled that Santa came. For the big children looking through that Christmas stocking for all the little things that arrived by magic! But honestly there are no magicians just a lot of busy elves with various names like Mommy, Daddy, auntie, uncle, grandpa, grandmother-well you get the picture! To all that make the magic happen, enjoy the moments!!

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