
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


If at first we try to deceive! The sayings goes something like that.

Unlike the Disney Princess in Tangled, deception always has its dark side! Her witch "stepmother" was a master of deception! Being honest does not mean we share all our secrets or thoughts with the world. We just do not lie. If we do not want to share some information, we just tell whoever is interested that we do not want to talk " about it".
Tangled is such a good word. Our hair gets tangled. While knitting or crocheting, our wool can get tangled. Our bills can be in a " tangled" mess. Our lives can seem tangled at times. Too many events all wrapped up into one! It takes patience and time to unravel "the tangles" in our lives.
So was Tangled a good name for the movie! Of course, it was about the ultimate deception of keeping a young girl captive from her real parents. Although it was a film for children, there are many universal themes. Looking to the light- the lit lanterns the princess would see! How deception can destroy people!
Do you feel your life seems a little tangled at times? Have you ever caught someone in a tangled lie? What have you done to untangle events?

1 comment:

  1. Tangled because I spend too much time on or in the Web?
