
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, September 22, 2023


 So Fall is around the corner or well it will arrive overnight.

The beautiful September days are deceiving so I will just pretend that winter will not ever arrive.

Yard work is calling me. I ripped out the grape vines and will probably dig out the roots. I planted it years ago because every Italian should have grapes in their yard. I used the grapes to make Adolph grape jam.

But that part of my life is over so goodbye to the grape vines.

I am trying to say goodbye to parts of my life.

I am trying to say hello to new parts of life.

I am trying to tread water with some parts that are keepers.

So Fall in all its glory will be relished before the boots and hats and parkas and scarves need to be hauled out.

So this picture makes me want to grab my camera and take a better photo.

How about you? Do you want to take Fall photos?



  1. Your fav cuz's days of fall photography are pretty much over. I don't get out much anymore. At 79, I rely on flash drives full of shots I took when I was more mobile. I've just qualified for a handicap pass, not that I've used it yet. Maybe, we'll go to the Keg soon, use the pass, and enjoy some of it's fodder?

  2. Glad to hear from you Rou. The nice thing about lots of photos is they can used over and over again.
