
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, October 27, 2022


 Loving someone dearly then needing to provide care during a relationship is not daunting.

In any relationship- spouse, parent, friend, acquaintance there are often caregiving aspects.

So when a person needs support and assistance , what makes the life meaningful.

Is the illness chronic or palliative? It does not matter when dealing with what a person needs.

What helps to enhance independence. Dignity. What are the interests? Can those interests continue?

Well providing and meeting the needs of the 5 senses.







Make the environment around the person- the room, the rooms wherever the person resides pleasurable. Keeping it tidy. 

Having items within reach. 

Natural light. Sitting by a window. In warmer weather, fresh air from outside. Seeing the yard. Seeing the street. Being outside.

Any items within reach so person can access their own things. Put the sugar and milk in the tea. Can be exactly like the person likes it. 

Does the person wear glasses? Make sure they are available and used. 

To see clearly is paramount.


Music playing helps. A phone within reach. Depends on the person not too much noise and confusion is best.

Speaking softly or loudly depending on the hearing of the person.

Knowing the person does not feel alone. No need to tip toe around. Hearing someone is near or doing an activity like TV watching, computer, visitors brings stimulation to the home.

Hearing lets the person know he/she is not alone.

Would the hearing need to be tested? Not hearing well can lead to cognitive decline in some people.

If a person uses a hearing aid, makes sure it is in order and working.


Food is good for nutrition. But more for the soul. When someone is ill providing food that is flavourful and what the person likes adds to the quality of life.

Drinks. Sugary drinks are fine. It is not a time at end of life to worry about a few calories. So if someone loves a pop, give them a pop!

Give a variety of food along with lots of favourites.

If some foods are hard to eat like an apple, then prepare it another way like baking it in the oven with some spices.

To conserve energy cut up the meat or other foods to make eating easier.


Sometimes the aroma in the home can be enchanting too. The smell of baking. Some spices are more odorous like cinnamon and rosemary.

If incontinence, the smell of urine and bms can be in the home. So vanilla candels. Sprays if the person can tolerate. 

Cleaners with a good smell. For example, Pinesol with its different fragrances and scents. Not heavy duty cleaners like those used in the hospital. .Rinsing out urinals and commode chairs helps with the overall feeling in the home.

So using food preparation not only for eating but to provide a different aroma in the home.

Flowers with a scent.

It is important however for those with respiratory issues that strong scents may be counterproductive. 

So probably sticking to the aroma of food would be most tolerable for most people.


Holding hands.

Hugging good morning and good night.

Sex is touch. For so many couples that feel comfortable with each other variety, can help. Improvising helps too. So many companies that provide products for an ill person have wellness sections that sell vibrators and other useful items for couples. For many men being able to satisfy their partner is still so important. Having a healthy, sex life does not end when a person becomes ill. If anything it contributes to a longer life.

When it comes to the touch of washing and cleansing a person, keep in mind that some may feel uncomfortable exposing their body to outsiders. Even a trained caregiver. So a trusted family member may need to be part of the showering or washing process. It is okay to give a soaped washcloth to the person to wash their own private parts. Again improvise on what works for the individual and your relationship with the person.

Cleaned washed hair feels good. Cream on the back, arms, legs reduces itchiness.

But clothes that are comfortable help with the touch aspects.. Nice fabric. A blanket that is fussy and cosy helps with touch issues. Flannel pj bottoms rather than pants. Cardigan sweaters over tops that can be buttoned or unbuttoned depending on the weather and temperature of the area.

A good skin product to help with keeping the skin intact. Skin breakdown is a serious concern. So making sure the chair, the bed or wherever the person is has comfortable and flexible materials to help with this process. 


Not a sense but the SOCIAL is so important.

 Bring the celebrations to the person. Have that bday party in a different venue with the person.

Phone calls. Visitors. Emails. Texting. Keeping in touch with loved ones that do not live nearby.

Along with TV, a newspaper, a book, a puzzle keeps the person stimulated. If unable to use the computer but has a question about an item, print it up for the person to read on his/her own.

Sit and eat together. If not eating sip a tea or coffee with the person while he/she eats.

 Daily social routines help everyone. It keeps the relationship going.
Have written information on the medical history and medications handy so if needed the person does not have to be asked the same information over and over again.

Just being in the same room quietly doing different activities. The normal engagements of a couple do not change when one is ill. 

Being around a loved one can be the best treatment technique. It benefits everyone. 


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