
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, February 21, 2022


 I have two family members who make a mockery of what they call Main Stream Media.

As a history buff, I read all types of Media.

One of my favourite activities is to buy the 4 local Toronto papers to get the various perspectives on an event. To read a variety of opinions. 

I watch several news stations when there is an event to get the variety of perspectives. Both Canadian, American, Italian-in Italian, PBS and any other one I can find.

So does it occur to those that criticize that perhaps there are many people like I am that read about events, watch the news and then have an informed perspective on many events from many different perspectives.

Why would anyone think I was gullible and could not have an informed point of view. I also listen to the words and observe the behaviours of speakers.

Also I love photography. I take copious pictures. Photos do speak a thousand words!!

So to see a reporter on one of Canada's news station being subject to verbal abuse and on some occasions physical from the recent event in Ottawa the perspective is very apparent. I hope people realize that spitting at someone is assault and grounds for charges. If someone were to spit at me, I could ask for charges to be laid.

When the participants in Ottawa were interviewed and the words came out of their mouths not hard to have a perspective. Not edited. Not filtered. For example, to see and hear a Convoy organizer threaten tow truck drivers speak unedited. He has an online following where anyone can see and hear his words. So can legal authorities. His words and behaviours unedited!!

The good thing about the event is how many people were filming on their own cellphones. So their social media will show what was happening. So if involved in unlawful activities they recorded it on their own devices.  A very good thing as the legal system can use their footage too.  And will.

Police were wearing webcams so every person could be photographed back. 

The amount of video coverage is huge. Of course Ottawa citizens were advised to record the honking and any visual footage of their own for their class action lawsuit that is coming.

Review photos and video coverage and get your own view of it. 

I have read far right articles and know the rhetoric. I keep myself abreast of a variety of thinking.

In a democracy people can have differences of political views. As long as no harm is done.

Bullying. Racist acts. Harm to others that do not support your point of view is not okay.

And accusing family members that do not have your point of view as being what- stupid!

In a democracy I guess you are entitled to name calling! I just hope that you know if you dish it out you should be prepared to take it!!


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