
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, February 7, 2022


 Saw a good conversation on Twitter.

He basically said not one Canadian has not lost any freedom from being unvaccinated. They have lost privileges. So true.

It has always been a privilege to have a driver's license. If rules are not obeyed or too many driving offences the license can be taken away.

If a professional like a doctor, nurse, social worker, dietician, OT, PT, RT and others, all responsible to a college that oversees their practices. If the standards of care are not maintained, their license or registration can be taken away and they will not be allowed to practice in their field.

A passport to go out of the country is a privilege. If a criminal record, one is usually not given.

A visa to other countries is a privilege not a freedom.

Public Health Protocols during this pandemic have been hard mentally on many people. Especially our children and elderly. So finding creative ways to support them is crucial. 

However having the virus has been worse on those losing their lives. On the families grieving over a loved one. On people who are Long Haul Covid people.

A democratic society supports lawful protests that do no harm to others. Toronto has seen their fair share on the legislative grounds. I even attended one for Day Care support when my oldest daughter was 4. 

Showing a vaccine certificate is easy.

We go through Security at the airport and sometimes have to take off our shoes. Bags searched. 

Carry a small purse and have it searched by security at any concert. No problem. Then everyone is safe.

So the basic message. Everyone stays as safe as possible. If I stay safe I help others to stay safe.

I honestly think the bottom line for many protesting people is simple. "No one is going to tell me what to do." No one told me what to do. I felt it was a privilege to be able to have a vaccine in a timely fashion.

I believe in science. I believe in the integrity of our Health Care professionals. As above they are responsible to practice the standards of their professions.

So the privilege of not going to a restaurant, get take out.

So remember 90% of all truckers are vaccinated and as we speak are working to provide goods to Canadians coast to coast to coast. 

I have all my freedoms and continue to earn all my privileges.


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